Caring for Your Vintage Watches

Vintage watches hold a special fascination for collectors. Whereas for those who received it as an heirloom, it holds an emotional significance. Luxury vintage watches are a rage amongst buyers who would like to have them, for the significance they hold. Not to mention, any vintage watch in mint condition can fetch a great value depending upon the brand, price, and condition.
For anyone who owns a vintage watch, it is essential to understand that the care of old wrist watches is different from your regular watches. The present-day watchmaking has evolved to make watches we use sturdier and more durable. The same is the not case with vintage watches. Vintage wrist watch needs special care.
Here are a few tips on how to care for your vintage watches.
1. Gentle care
Unlike the watches we have today, vintage watches weren’t meant for rough handling. They are definitely more fragile and must be treated with great care and gentleness. Vintage watch servicing and repairs require special tool and skills.
Your nearest watch repair shop or local watch repair shops cannot handle this. It is inadvisable for you to try and repair or clean it by yourself. It’s best to let professionals handle it.
Here is why My Watch Merchant is your best option for watch repairs and watch servicing.
2. Winding
Nearly all old wrist watches made before the 1960s have mechanical movements. The Quartz movement is a later invention. Watches with a mechanical movement need to be wound regularly. One thing you need to watch out for is how you wind the watch.
You must stop winding if you feel resistance in the crown. Overwinding the mainspring or winding it too tight can cause damage to vintage watches which are already fragile.
3. Water damage
Vintage watches do not have the water-resistance ability that watches today have. These watches may not be able to withstand the same amount of water exposure as the latest designs. Therefore, steer clear of water as moisture can rust and destroy the delicate parts of a vintage watch.
You may also read, What can be done to fix a water-damaged expensive watch?
4. Shocks and vibration
Vintage watches need to be handled with care. They cannot withstand the same kind of treatment as modern watches. Any activity that involves intense shocks or vibration on your wrist should be avoided while using vintage watches.
They are not built for activities like sports, they might not survive the falls and dents could permanently damage their exterior.
5. Keep it safe
The way to ensure the longevity of your vintage wrist watch is by storing them well. Unlike your watches for daily use that find space in your bedside table or drawers, vintage wrist-watches need to be kept well. Store in a box that is lined with soft material on the inside and sturdy material on the outside to keep it safe especially during transportation. Keep it away from children, pets and avoid handling it with unclean hands.
6. Get it serviced
The best way to keep your old wrist watches functioning well is by getting it regularly serviced. Get your vintage watch serviced every once in two years or every year depending upon the frequency of use, age of the watch, the brand, and other requirements. Don’t choose a local watch repair shop, let your watches be handled by experts in watch repair and watch service.
Unlike your local watch repair center or watch servicing center, My Watch Merchant is staffed with experts who can handle luxury watch repairs. We have the best in the industry working for us and we use only state-of-the-art equipment to handle watches with care.
We offer pick and drop services, one year warranty, and easy payment options.